Friday, February 26, 2010

Sloth, in the balance of it all....A reflection and a pardon

Today I had a snow day - a good old fashioned "no school" because of snowy weather. Though it came late by most standards, 5:30am, I had showered and washed my hair - I was still happy to get the text from a dear friend from school.

I had to stay up long enough to dry my curly mop, and in doing so enjoyed the dawn of the day and the snowy vista. Eventually I sunk into slumber and enjoyed an unplanned cat nap until 9am. I frittered the morning away - but gleefully dressed for the excavation of my car. Having parked on a Tuesday/Friday side I was doomed to get plowed in. Adding insult to injury, my car was parked in front of a well tended building where the Super had snow blown his sidewalk clear, impacting my car on the other side. This hour project was fun - I got the car cleared out enough and thru some of the snow BACK into the street ! I started the vehicle and moved the tires enough to secure a start spot for tomorrow where I will try again to leave my trusty spot - and I will get a sack of cat litter to assist just in case.

I came in and had tomato soup. That's what you have on a snow day; tomato soup. I made a piece of toast, Gluten Free, and had a slice of goat Mammoth cheese to go with it; an ample substitute for a grilled cheese product sandwich.

Then, I didn't do much of anything. All day.
I surfed the Internet. Did no reading, really. Sat and thought about this and that.
Sent out a few texts, talked to my mom, wrote a few emails, commented to a few FB posts....and watched the sun come out in the afternoon.

Dinner was uneventful, and the sum total of the day would include accessorizing a pirate costume for my godson.

That was my day. I did not get ahead on any project, and I didn't catch up on anything.
I just was.

Tonight I Googled the Seven Deadly Sins and Virtues.
Of all of the Sins, SLOTH is among them and I exhibited it today in spades.
I felt really down about that for a while.

Then I reviewed the virtues. Charity, humility, kindness, justice, patience and thought to myself; yes, I, along with my colleagues at my school, do practice these countless times throughout our days and weeks. There are the unspoken acts of kindness, the generosity during crises, the many times we articulate, "..oh, my mistake, I'm sorry," the fight for fairness and advocacy for those who cannot fend for themselves, and the fortitude to say, " let's try that again..."

Yes, okay - I was a sloth today.
And I hope many of my colleagues were, too.

I offer that we earned it. No guilt, no regret.
Tomorrow is Saturday and we will do laundry, shopping, get out and do what has to be done.

But for today, there was Sloth.
And it was good.